Understanding your clients’ legal needs On-demand webinar series

If you are a professional advisor, understanding your clients’ legal needs can help you to provide a more informed, holistic service. We’ve put together a series of on-demand webinars, covering some of the most common legal issues your clients might be dealing with. These webinars offer information and guidance to ensure you have a good understanding of the various topics and are up to date with current legislation.

The series covers the following issues: 

·         Wills

·         LPAs

·         Supporting clients with dementia

·         Contentious estates

·         Wealth protection on divorce

Understanding your clients’ legal needs: Wills
Alexandra Gordon, Partner, Brachers; Danny Curran, Founder and Managing Director, Finders International
Host: Colin Smith, Partner, Brachers

The presenters discuss and provide guidance on the following issues.

·         Making a Will during COVID restrictions

·         Remote Will witnessing

·         What happens to assets if you don’t have a Will

·         What happens on intestacy

·         The process of finding heirs

·         Circumstances where money goes to the state

·         How to find out where the deceased held their assets

·         Dealing with digital assets and paperless accounts

Who should watch?
Although the ‘Understanding your clients’ legal needs’ webinar series is tailored for those in the professional services sector, this webinar contains a wealth of valuable information relevant to all professionals.


Understanding your clients’ legal needs: LPAs
Michael Cressey, Paralegal, Brachers; Sam Durnell, Investment Director, Brooks Macdonald
Host: Alexandra Gordon, Partner, Brachers

The presenters discuss the following points and illustrate them with real-life case studies.

·         The different types of Powers of Attorney (General, Enduring and Lasting)

·         The registration process of Lasting and Enduring Powers of Attorney (LPAs/EPAs)

·         Technical points for Financial and Health and Welfare LPAs

·         Investing on behalf of a donor: why invest, what to invest in, and where to invest?

·         Guidance on other key investment considerations

Who should watch?
This webinar contains a wealth of valuable information that is relevant to all professionals, as well as families who are either considering a Power of Attorney or have a Power of Attorney already in place.

The guidance on investment considerations will be of particular relevance to high net worth individuals.


Understanding your clients’ legal needs: Supporting clients with dementia 
Mary Rimmer, Partner, Brachers; David Lockwood, Public Sector Development Manager, Finders International

In this 35-minute session, the expert speakers cover:

·         Practical tips to help clients living with dementia

·         Why involve the Court of Protection

·         What if your client has not made a Will or has one which is out of date and now has insufficient mental capacity to make those updates?

·         What if your client has not made a Power of Attorney or has one now inappropriate to their circumstances and does not have sufficient mental capacity to sign a new Power?

·         Deputyship – financial and welfare applications

·         Statutory Wills

·         Investing, gifting and inheritance tax planning

Who should watch?
This webinar covers important legal and practical considerations for those in the professional services sector, including accountants and IFAs, who deal with the financial affairs of elderly and vulnerable clients.


Understanding your clients’ legal needs: Contentious estates
Deborah Cain, Partner, Brachers

This 35-minute webinar provides valuable guidance on the most common types of claim which can arise in estate administration, how to spot them, and some top tips on how to deal with them if you are a professional Executor.

Who should watch?

·         Accountants and independent financial advisers (IFAs) who act as professional Executors

·         Accountants and IFAs who advise clients about estate planning and wish to understand more about the causes and nature of disputes which can arise after death


Understanding your clients’ legal needs: Wealth protection on divorce
Mei-Ling McNab, Partner, Brachers; Mark Leeson, Partner, Brachers; Stuart Snow, Barrister, Stour Chambers; Elizabeth Spence, Barrister, Stour Chambers

The first part of the webinar focuses businesses on divorce, with guidance on:

·         Why the courts are interested in a business on divorce

·         What the court can order in relation to businesses on divorce

·         Factors that impact on the valuation of a business

·         Family companies on divorce – key considerations

The second part of the webinar covers the current status of marital agreements, including what needs to be done, in practice, for these agreements to have the best chance of being upheld.

Mark Leeson and Mei-Ling McNab provide real-life case examples to complement the content delivered by the barristers from Stour Chambers.

Who should watch?
This webinar will be of significant value to independent financial advisers, accountants, and other professionals advising clients on their financial affairs.